DELTA Module 2 - Training Course

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If you are a CELTA-qualified experienced teacher of English and would like to further your career in ELT by becoming an academic manager, a teacher trainer or simply a more experienced and highly-qualified teacher, then it’s time to start thinking about Cambridge DELTA Modules.

As one of the most widely-recognized and prestigious qualifications in ELT, DELTA (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) is placed by the UK Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation at Level 7 of the Qualifications and Credit Framework, which is the same level as a Master's degree. This course will help you to take your understanding of English language teaching and learning to the next level, advance your teaching skills and learn new skills which will open doors for you in the world of ELT wherever you go.

For Module Two, Developing Professional Practice, you will normally need to attend a course offered by an authorized DELTA centre which includes assessed teaching and contact hours with experienced DELTA trainers.

Course Requirement and Content

The candidates will have completed a Portfolio which will contain three internally assessed Language Skills/Systems Assignments and the Professional Development Assignment with the tutors’ assessment.

Also, candidates need to undertake 10 hours of live or video peer observations

The course involves 220 learning hours, 120 of which are contact hours with the tutors and 100 independent learning hours.


Module 2 assessment consists of 5 assignments

    • Professional Development Assignment (which has two parts)
    • 2 Language Skills Assignments
    • 2 Language Systems Assignments

Each of the Language Skills/Systems Assignments includes
    • A background essay exploring an areas of teaching skills/systems and considering teaching and learning issues
    • Planning, teaching and evaluation of a lesson related to the chosen area.

3 of the Language Skills/Systems Assignments are assessed by the DELTA tutors and the last one is externally assessed.

What to expect on a regular day

Our DELTA Module 2 course is sixteen weeks long and you need to be prepared to be online on some Monday and Wednesday from 18:00-20:00 and Saturday 11:00-17:00 Kyiv time.

On a typical day you will normally have:
    • Three hours of input delivered by highly experienced Delta trainers
    • Feedback on the lessons taught by you and your peers
    • Lesson planning and preparation time
    • Teaching which will consist of:
        ◦ Diagnostic lessons assessed by the tutors
        ◦ Developmental teaching practice observed by peers
        ◦ Experimental lesson where you will get the chance to try out an approach or lesson framework you have never tried in the classroom before
        ◦ 3 internally assessed Language Systems/Skills assignments
        ◦ 1 externally assessed Language System/Skills Assignment on the last week of the course.


The results for Module Two are normally released in November if completed during the summer months.

There are four possible grades:

  • Pass with Distinction
  • Pass with Merit
  • Pass
  • Fail

How to apply for the DELTA Module 2 Course

Fill in the registration form here on the website to receive an email from us with a separate DELTA Application form. Complete the application and send it to us. We’ll get back to you to schedule your interview with one of our DELTA trainers. After successful interview, we will provide you with payment details and other necessary information.

For more information about accomodation please email us:

Dates and fees

Dates: 27.01.2025 - 17.05.2025


Early-bird fee before  31.12.24 – UAH 70 000 + GBP 150* (certificate cost)
Full price – UAH 75 000 + GBP 150* (certificate cost)
* For non- residents of Ukraine:

Early-bird fee before  31.12.24 – 1720 USD 

Full price is 1850 USD

Non-residents of Ukraine can pay in USD, EUR or GBP.

Why take DELTA with us?

The atmosphere
There are trainers who do their job and trainers who do their job well. Our trainers do their job perfectly well because they have their trainees’ needs at the heart and are sincerely interested in their progress. This year Iulia Maria Lehner (Romania) and Diana Vaselenko (Ukraine) will be tutoring on our course. We’re very excited to be working with them as they’re experienced, professional and fun to work with. We know you will enjoy the time with them.

A part-time online course
We know how busy you are, so this year we’re launching this 16-week course online which you can join from any part of the world without taking time off work. The course will last for 16 weeks and cover all of Module 2. There will be some optional sessions to help you become familiar with Modules 1 and 3 if you need to.

Focus on one thing at a time
Some centres offer Blended courses (e.g. Module 2 together with preparation for Module 1). We care of our customers, we know they are all different and have different needs.  This is why we’ve decided that DELTA Module Two will be our main priority. If you’ve taken Module 1 or Module 3, you won’t be paying for what you’ve already done. If you haven’t, we’ll be happy to offer you support with preparation for those modules closer to the deadlines.



Diana Vaselenko


  • Delta trainer
  • CELTA trainer (worked in Poland, Thailand, China, Lebanon)
  • CELT-S trainer
  • IH DoS Course
  • former DoS at International House Kyiv
  • currently Head of Teacher Training Department at ILC
Julie Lehner

Delta Module 1, Delta Module 2, Delta Module 3, IH TTC 


General English for adults, general English for children and teens, Teacher training.

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